Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Social Anarchy

Its true. I've been saying it for some time now, and I am becoming more and more convinced that I am correct. Our nation is heading towards Social Anarchy. As our politicians continue to come up with laws and regulations that have no bearing on logic or reality, and our culture continues to progress further and further down the road towards relative morality, there is an increasing disconnect between the law and society. If you combine this with the fact that "half" the politicians out there are currently pushing for rules that create a socialistic state (see Universal Health Care, Welfare, rights for illegal immigrants, rights for criminals, etc...) with the previous statement, you will end up with a country where a select amount of people end up paying for other people to sit around and do whatever they like.
The most recent example of a trend towards anarchy I have found (which is what spurred me to write) is as linked. In case you don't feel like reading the link, I'll sum it up for you: It is OK to disobey authorities if you know more than they do. Other blatant examples include sharing/downloading music/movies, people who do drugs (certainly not new), and underage drinking. For the things that are not new, the thing that is changing is people's view on what they are doing. When I was younger the people who did drugs knew it was illegal and just didn't care. Now the chances are good that they won't even know it is illegal in the first place. Those that do know it is illegal will justify their choice by saying that the government should have no say in their life, and therefore they can do whatever they want. Another example of this is a relative of a friend who was underage and ran away with her 23 year old boyfriend. She returned home on her own after about a month, and was Surprised that police(the FBI) were looking for her. It was her own life, and as long as she let people know that she was OK (which she did) she did not think there would be any consequences.
That is about as much explanation that I can come up with off the top of my head right now. If you are ever bored ask me about it sometime.
I am guessing the current trend is going to continue at its current rate for another 10 years or so. At that point people who are my age will have kids who are old enough to participate, and who will have gotten an even worse dose of parenting than the current generation. At that point things will plummet. I am giving our current model of government 50 years before things degenerate beyond repair. I would even be willing to state that in 50 years American civilization as we know it will not exist (in other words, we will live in an uncivilized state).
Fortunately I do think there are a couple of things that are coming up in the near future that could mitigate the decline. Much of the current anarchistic trends have been perpetuated by the Bush administration's poor handling of issues regarding the internet, healthcare, and illegal immigration. I think that the democratic party has picked up on this, and will be running on a platform of doing the opposite of whatever Bush has been doing. If they do, they will be an almost certain shoo-in for the presidency as Bush has been missing things that appeal to the conservative right.

Moving on to a slightly different topic (although it is a subset of the above)...

The minuteman project in Arizona is a great overall example of what I have been talking about. They were highly successful at what they did, and really opened the eyes of politicians towards the threat of illegal immigration. At the same time they were labeled as racists and hate mangers by idiot (best word I could come up with; I am trying to be semi-polite at least) liberals. For whatever reason (perhaps a Mexican conspiracy to take back California and Texas, and those other useless states in between? Just kidding. Arizona is not useless) some liberals think that full rights should be accorded towards illegal immigrants in America. Some people are even going so far as to sue states and schools that are enforcing the laws against those illegals. What part of ILLEGAL immigrant do they not understand. These people who claim that it is racist to not accord illegal immigrants the full rights of a citizen, and that they are only being picked on because they are Mexican.
This is blatantly not true. First off, legal Mexican/American citizens ARE given full right as American citizens. Secondly, it is not only Mexican illegal immigrants who are being deported. Indians, Irish, Chinese, and people from every other county are all being deported. The only people who are not being deported are Americans. There is a simple reason for this: if you are an American, you are here legally. If there is an American criminal, then they are punished by a different set of rules than an illegal immigrant (who is also a criminal). American Citizenship provides protection under American Law. Mexican Citizenship provides protection under Mexican Law.

Get it straight.

1 comment:

Kiti said...

You know I agree!