Monday, August 29, 2005

I love the British

coffee is good for you!

That's right! Every one should be drinking two cups of coffee a day.

It was a long weekend. On Friday I worked from home so that I could get some loan stuff done for our house. The only problem was that I had several emergencies to deal with at work, so I didn't end up having any time to do home stuff, and worked till 6:30 at night. Then a little later in the night I stepped on a finishing nail that had gotten on the floor some how, so I got to bleed all over the carpet and soak my foot in hot water for a while.

On Saturday I took Deb's Dad John and Mary's Fiance Tim to Todai for Sushi. We got there at 4:30 but they did not open till 5:30 so we went shopping (We were at the Orange Mall). The Orange Mall is a pretty lame mall (like the Sequoia Mall), but they have a Cost Plus, so Tim and I headed to Cost Plus, and John headed to Walmart. Along the way we came across a Knife Gallery, so I stepped inside to order my anniversary present.

Deb, being a good and responsible wife, had ordered my present back in early July to ensure that it would arrive in time. We waited and waited, and finally Deb called Surefire on the day before our anniversary. The person on the phone told her that she had never placed an order, and that the confirmation number that she had recieved via e-mail was invalid. She went back to the surefire web page, and her account did not exist any more. Very wierd.

Anyway, after the Knife Gallery we went over to Cost Plus and I bought Deb some Chocolate and a card. I also found some bamboo blinds that might be nice for our house.

Finally at 5:30 Ben Winter met us at the mall, and we all went to Todai. It was very delicious. If you like Japanese food and sushi, Todai is the place to go if you don't want to spend $50+. Once we were done we headed back to the apartment and I dropped off Tim and John.

Ben and I then went to AMC Fullerton and watched The Brothers Grimm. As I said that night, it was better than mediocre. The character development was a little on the lame side, but besides that it was pretty enjoyable. Don't go if you scare easy though. It isn't a horror movie, but it does have some startling moments, and there is definitely some stuff that would freak out kids.

Sunday we went to Church, had lunch with Ben, and then went home. Ben came over and played Halo, and then my brother came over and played Halo. Then I sat around and watched TV all night.

Now I am at work in a meeting supporting an emergency because of a failed data move over the weekend.

Oh, and I just got a call saying that my flashlight is on backorder and won't be in for almost a month.

Go figure.

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