Thursday, June 08, 2006

A long time coming

Hello from the world of the uninteresting life. As some of you have noted (thanks Jen) it has been a while since I blogged. I guess you can say that I haven't really been in the mood. I've been working on recovering from a tiring semester of work and school, and life. Since my classes ended I have:

found out that I got B's in both of my classes. I went into one of the final for one of the classes not having a clue if I would even pass the class or not, and I walked out of the final still not having a clue if I would pass the class or not. I knew what 40% of my grade was before the final. For all I knew I could have had 100% on the final and still failed. Fortunately I didn't. Cryptography turned out to be a fun class, and I learned a ton, but Database was lame and I learned pretty much nothing.

I need to start working on my thesis sometime this summer. Aside from that I just have two classes left to go before I graduate!

Two saturdays ago I finally broke down and rented a rototiller so that I could tear up my back yard and plant grass correctly. My dad and grandfather came over and helped. We put down a good layer of multch and had at it. It looked pretty good when we were done, but it wasn't completely level. There are still some peaks and vallies that are annoying me. I will more than likely let this batch of grass grow, and then rototill it again next year once the multch has broken down so that I can get the ground smoother.

Last weekend we went up to crystal springs camp groun at grants grove in sequoia national park with our bible study group. I had a great time. It has been a while since I was able to go camping. Seeing as how it is one of my favorite things to do I was pretty excited. We made some good friends, had a nice time of fellowship, went hiking, and played with fire. I caught a table on fire when I was starting up my stove (this was right after my famous last words of "I know how to use it").

Other than that we have been spending a lot of time just sitting around in front of the TV relaxing. We have been watching Angel and Star Trek: Voyager. I bought an xbox 360 last week, and I have been working my way through Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, as well as playing my standard Halo 2 fare.

One major event that happened in the last week was that I paid off the last of our "non-essential" debt. We now only owe for our house, school, and car. I am pretty happy about this, as is Deb. The xbox was my reward (-= Next up will be paying off the money we owe to family that was lent to us for the house. Hopefully that will be accomplished quickly.

Well, I suppose I should leave some for next time so that you all don't have to wait another two months to hear from me again. Take care!


Willow said...

Welcome back, Jeff. I'm glad I kept checking. Not that I'm a great prolific blogger either.

Melissa P. said...

Yay update! Give us more!

Graf Spee said...

Waiting for you to update is like waiting for Godet. :}

Unknown said...

wow, 1.5 months and I already have 3 comments, maybe you all do still care.

Jen said...

He blogs!