Friday, March 17, 2006

Odds and Ends, and Stuff.

So its been a while, big whup, wanna fight about it?

Things have been somewhat interesting around here. I've done a ton of work in the past two weeks (almost 30 hours of overtime). Its been fun, and I've learned a ton.

Our trees are growing nicely. Most of them have leaves on them now. I'm pretty excited. It is fun to see them grow.

Today our warrenty repair people finally came out to fix the problems identified in our one month inspection (ya, you heard me). Our kitchen tile looks much better, and our electrical fan sounds much nicer. Had an interesting scare with a permanent marker, but it was resolved.

That was the good part.
They brought out dirt to fill in the places that washed away in the flood. They even got it looking really good. But, its gone now. The rain washed away everything they did. I almost feel bad for them. Maybe next time they will fix the drainage first.
Next on the list was the pipe that was leaking over our front bathroom. It has only been leaking for a week, but there was already some pretty good damage. They went up into the attic to find the source of the leak and discovered, low and behold, that the insulation people had neglected to put insulation in the front ceiling. That explains why it is always so cold up there huh. My Dad is going to bringing the ladder by later so we can look in the upstairs ceiling and make sure they did that part right.
Anyway, we have a big hole in the ceiling now because the guy that was supposed to repair the leak didn't have the right parts. at least nothing else is getting ruined.

I'm going to be doing homework and Homework this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get out and recover some of the dirt before it washes too far away (or before someone else comes and takes it like last time). Our lawn looks pretty bad too.

I guess that is about all that is worth talking about. Things have actually been going pretty good over all.

Catch ya later!

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