Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Quick post

I've been crazy busy so I haven't really had a chance to write anything lately.
Here is a brief recap of the past week:

Had fun just being with Deb
Had fun with the Guthries
Had fun with the Winters
Had fun with the kirks
Had fun with the other Winters
Had fun with the Yoshimotos
Had fun with the Prices
Wrote 1000 lines of code for a student records application for school
Wrote a web server (not quite done with that one)
Watered the trees
Got rid of boxes
Donated stuff to a needy family in Mississippi
Ate a couple of times
Drove to LA and back
Worked 40 hours
Researched how to do all the programming I've been doing
Talked on the phone
Chatted with multiple friends when I should have been doing homework
Check e-mail a large amount of times (still empty)
Cleaned the kitchen
Dug holes in the backyard
Watered the holes in the backyard
Watered other plants in the yard besides the trees
Bought gas three times
Watched 4 movies
Took out the trash
Fed the cats
Petted the cats
Stepped on a cat
Played with a cat
Ignored a cat
Got blown off by Forward Advantage when I called
Applied for 9+ jobs

I'm tired of typing, so that is all I did this week. Good night.

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