Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I totally was just thinking of calling you

So now scientists are studying the fact that some people correctly guess who is calling them. I sure hope they take into account that most people subconsciously know people good enough to estimate when they would call, assuming that they are friends at least.

So as our poll for today ( and to see if anyone is still reading ):

Have you ever picked up the phone phone to call somebody only to end up answering the phone before it rang because that person had just called you?

How about calling someone only to get a busy tone because they had just called you?

I've had both happen, with the latter happening on a monthly basis with Josh.

1 comment:

Willow said...

I will often know who is calling me on my cell before I look, usually one of the kids. But that is probably because I know their habits more than that it is telepathy. But I am telepathic, you know...