Friday, September 15, 2006


No, Seriously, TGIF.

It has been a weird week. I've been stressed, but I haven't really had any obvious reason to be stressed. I gave up caffine for the most part last week, so I think my body is still just getting used to the change. Deb and I are going camping at Pismo Beach this weekend, so maybe that will help me relax.

Starting next week I am going to be working a ton of overtime. So basically between work and school I will literally not have time for anything else. Except for Bible study and church of course. We will have to see if I will keep playing Tennis, and I will definitely still do my personal training sessions at the gym. So other than those things I will literally not have time for anything else. Oh, and I will spend time with Deb. So other than that and those other things I will literally not have time for anything else. Except Josh is coming to visit on Tuesday, so other than him coming and that, and those other things I will literally not have time for anything else.

Work is good for the moment. We finally just got a new Chief Technology Officer here, which should really help the work environment quite a bit.

School wise things are good. I've actually managed to stay on top of everything so far. I only have one class since I am working on my thesis. I just finished getting my proposal and commitee forms turned in, so I'm pretty much good to go on that front.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer, I was hoping we could hang out some time this weekend. But camping sounds fun; enjoy your weekend.

Good for you getting off the caffeine.