Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Well, I managed to squeeze in an extra 2 hours of sleep some how, so now I feel worse than I did a while ago. At least I won't be too tired later in the day.

We are leaving shortly to go pick up a couple of essentials before getting the keys to the house at 11. We convieniently ran out of a bunch of sundry items right before we moved. Deb is leaving for LA tonight with the car, so we need to go buy them before she leaves.

I don't know how much I will be posting in the next couple of days since we don't have internet access yet at the new place. However we just discovered a coffee place called Maverick's that has free internet access. They also sell Jamaican Blue Mountain by the cup. That makes it a pretty win-win situation as far as I am concerned. Of course, it is on the opposite side of town and I will have no car. I'll probably just end up paying for access at the Starbucks on the corner (that's right, even Visalia has Starbucks on every corner).

So ta ta and take care. Call me if you need me.

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