Friday, November 11, 2005

Fun with Grass

Not what you thought I meant...

I mowed for the first time in like 8 years or so. It was kinda fun. A good work out for sure (and we only have a little bit of grass so far). The problem is... I forgot that I am alergic to cut grass. Or rather my body forgot that it had built up a tolerance to it. I barely made it through sweeping up the clippings I felt so bad. I have been laying around waiting for an anti-histamine to kick in for the past hour, and I am finally starting to feel better. I am going to have to add a mouth and nose mask to my list of things to buy, as well as some gloves.

Things are going pretty good. There have not been any other huge things that have happened for the past couple days, so that has been nice. I miss Deb.
The electrical socket in our tech center doesn't work, so I haven't been able to set up my computer yet. I really want to get it going so that I can listen to music while I am unpacking. I will probably hook it up some where else while I am waiting. It is a lot to hook up just to move it again in a couple of days though.

I met one of our neighbors yesterday. He is pretty cool. I think he is just a little older than me, and he is in the same situation I am in with his wife working down in Santa Clarita a few days out of the week. So we will be getting together to play games a bunch I hope. I will have to introduce him to Far Cry once I have time to buy it for my self so that he can join when I play with Sam.
My neighbor is the reason that I am being able to connect to the internet. He gave me permission to use his wireless access. So I am going to be able to get my homework done this weekend, and start work on Monday; since I STILL don't have a phone line.

I tried hooking up my xbox through my laptop so I could use the internet access that way to play Halo online last night. It worked, but not quite good enough to be able to play with Josh, so I will probably just still be Halo-less for a couple more days )=


Jen said...

how do you have grass already? did your house come landscaped?

I'm allergic to cut grass too. It stinks!

How long is Deb gone?

Unknown said...

For those of us who did not look at the pictures, yes we the house came landscaped in the front yard.

Deb will be gone Mon-Thur till she graduates, possibly longer if we don't find a better job situation by then.

Jen said...

:P I DID look at the pictures. Only out here, snooty falooty new build neighborhoods have their front yards maintained by the HOA :P