Monday, November 28, 2005

I don't know what to write about

Melissa says I have to blog so I suppose I had better. We had a nice Thanksgiving break. Everybody came over to our place for dinner so I had a nice time playing host. I bought a 21 lb. Turkey on accident so that was fun. I meant to get 15 lbs. at the highest. The Turkey cooked well. It was fun to use our new oven.

I bought three liquid Amber trees and two Red Maples for our yard. They should be delivered any time now. I will take pictures of our yard once we get them planted.

Our house is mostly put away now. The downstairs is completely finished. It will probably take longer for the upstairs stuff since it is just misc. stuff.

I thought of something else to say a minute ago, but now I don't remember. I'll blog again soon so stay tuned!


Melissa P. said...

Hehe. Thank you!

Jen said...

dude. i feel lame. we still have a garage half full of unpacked boxes. It's so hard when you're this busy--do you spend your time unpacking, cleaning or organizing? not enough hours in the day!