Sunday, February 20, 2005

This post brought to you by Bacardi, the Simpsons, and the letter 2

Rev. Lovejoy: They went to your aid, whether they be christian, Jew, or misc. (looks at Apu)
Apu: Hindu, there are 700 million of us
Rev. : aww, that's super.

I had yet another exciting time doing 5 hours of homework today. Sadly, I did not accomplish much, although I did get all my work turned in. I spent the majority of the time ensuring that my homework questions were correct. While my Z class is turning out to be fun, it is still quite time consuming.

Question 1 (two points). In a Star Trek episode, the Enterprise suffers damage and the power is out on the bridge. Mr. Spock says, "If Mr. Scott is still with us then auxiliary power will be on momentarily." In a moment auxiliary power comes on. Mr. Spock then says, "Mr. Scott is still with us."

Show whether Mr. Spock's conclusion that "Mr. Scott is still with us" was unarguably correct (or not) using first-order logic. Keep it short (no more than 5 lines).

P | Q | P-->Q | Q | P | Q-->P | P=”Mr. Scott is with us”; Q=”Auxiliary power will be/is on”

T | T | T | T | T | T | In the first half of the argument, P=False, Q=True results in PàQ _

T | F | F | F | T | T | being True. In the second half of the argument, the same P and Q _

F | T | T | T | F | F | values result in QàP being False. Spock’s argument is _

F | F | T | F | F | T | arguably incorrect.

And let that be a lesson to everyone... cutting and pasting may not work when OLE is incorrectly implemented.
In other words, when P=mailbox, Q=radiation symbol and I have no clue what I am talking about.

Question 2 (two points). Given the following sets

A = {the students enrolled at JMU}

B = {all the students in CS652}

C = {the students who graduate JMU}

Translate the following into a single English sentence using the pronunciation guide in the CS652 symbol table.

"a Î A, $x | x Î B Ù x Î C (it looks different than this in real life; in other words, this is useless. Stupid blog)

For all students who are a member of the students enrolled at JMU, there exists a student where said student is a member of all the students in CS652 and the said student is a member of the students who graduate JMU.

(this offends both Christians and prunes(RSQ))

Question 3 (four points). You've probably heard the story entitled The Lady and the Tiger. Here's a little logical puzzle to solve with your new logical powers. Of course, I have updated things to better correspond with my version of how things should be.

King Modus Ponens of the land of Greenwald decided to have some fun with a prisoner. So he put him in a room that had nine doors. Now, King Ponens was always truthful. He explained to the prisoner that in the room behind one door was a lady that the prisoner wanted to marry (the feeling was mutual); if the prisoner chose that room he would get to marry her. In the rooms behind each of the other doors was either nothing (in which case he would lose the love of his life), or a deadly death-or-glory toad (these are truly fearsome creatures). Each of the nine doors had a sign on it. The King told the prisoner that the sign on the door of the room with the lady was true, the signs on the doors of all rooms containing a toad were false, and the signs on the doors of all empty rooms were either true or false!

Here are the signs for the respective room numbers.










The prisoner, being a graduate of CS652, studied the signs and after a time said, "This problem is unsolvable! That's not fair! At least give me a clue."

King Ponens laughed, and said, "Okay, you're right, it is unsolvable without a clue. What kind of clue to do you want?"

"Tell me if Room Eight is empty or not!"

King Ponens was nice enough to tell him whether Room Eight was empty or not, and the prisoner was able to deduce where the lady was.

It is now possible for you to deduce the room that contained the lady. Which room contained the lady? I don't want to see your reasoning (no partial points will be given). Just give me the room number for this solvable problem.

If you can answer this last question I'll buy you ice cream. (offer not valid for anyone that I have told the answer to, or that Ben has told the answer to, or Ben, or in the states of Alabama, New Jersey, or North Dakota)

Anyway, for those of you still reading, congratulations! You have proven yourself worthy. What you have proven yourself worthy of... I have no idea. I promise I will post something that is actually interesting soon. (haha, most of you that made it to this point are wondering what I am talking about, since you thought that what I already posted was interesting.)

"So Santa placed a call to secretary of state... "

sigh... I love the Simpsons.

"And tears are the sweetest sauce."

I am going to be in Intermediate Solaris training all next week, so I probably won't have time for my promised post, but we will see. Love you all!

Please do not give my god a peanut.


Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting, although I do not care to spend the time to solve the puzzle. Your father was proposing various Star Trek Scenarios regarding the arguability of that question and laughing his head off, so you got him off to a good day. : )


Jen said...

that question gives me a headache. i'm probably missing something really obvious.

Jen said...

I guess door 7...I'm probably wrong, but that's my guess.

Jen said...

oh hi Manda. Great minds think alike. I hope we're right! :D

Anonymous said...


The hint in key to starting to solve the puzzle. Since we know that it is impossible to solve without the hint and that with the hint, the prisoner is able to solve the puzzle, we can deduct what the hint answer was based off this. The answer the King gave was that room 8 was NOT empty. This is because if he would have said the room was empty, that would not have been a clue. We know this because no other clues reference sign 8, all other signs are referenced on other signs. Also, if the room was empty, the clue could be true OR false and thus not be of any help. Since the room is NOT empty and the clue says there is a Toad in the room, it cannot have the lady in it, therefore the only thing that COULD be in the room is a Toad.

Now, we can eliminate room 8 because it says there is a toad in the room, we can eliminate room 9 because it says there is a toad in the room, and we can eliminate room 2 because the room says it is empty and the lady has to be in a room that is TRUE. So we are down to Room 1,3,4,5,6,7.

Since we already determined that a toad was in room 8, the sign MUST be false. Since the clue says there is a toad in the room, that is not the false portion of the clue and the second part “AND ROOM IS EMPTY” must therefore be false. So now we know room 9 is NOT empty.

We know that room 9 can’t have the lady because of the toad statement in the clue thus there MUST be a toad in that room as well making Sign 9 False as well. Again, it says there is a toad in the room so that is NOT the false portion of the sign and “AND SIGN 6 IS WRONG” must be false. Making Sign 6 True. We are still down to available room being 1,3,4,5,6,7.

Since sign 6 is true “SIGN 3 IS WRONG” (and could have the lady still being true), we know based off the sign that Sing 3 is False. Therefore the lady cannot be in room 3.

Available Rooms now 1,4,5,6,7

Sign 3 is wrong and states “SIGN 5 IS RIGHT OR SIGN 7 IS WRONG” Since this is an “OR” statement, the only way for this to be false is for both to be false. So we now know that Sign 5 is false (not right) AND Sign 7 is True (Not wrong). This eliminates room 5. Room 7 is true and still available.

Available rooms now 1,4,6,7

Now let’s follow the Sign 5 being False. Sign 5 says “SIGN 2 IS RIGHT OR SIGN 4 IS RIGHT”. This is false as we know and being another “OR” statement, the only way for this to be false is if BOTH statements are False. Therefore Sign 2 is False and Sign 4 is False (Both not containing the lady being False). We have already eliminated room 2 and now room 4 is eliminated as well.

Available rooms now 1,6,7

We now know sign 4 is false which says “SIGN 1 IS WRONG” so we know sign 1 is true. Sign 1 being true says “THE LADY IS IN AN ODD-NUMBERED ROOM” therefore eliminating room 6 from being able to have the lady in it.

Available rooms now 1,7

Now lets go back to the second portion of sign 3 being false which says “SIGN 7 IS WRONG” Since we determines that this must ALSO be false due to the OR statement in the sign, we can now determine that Sign 7 is True. Sign 7 states “THE LADY IS NOT IN ROOM 1” eliminating room 1. The only room left available that fits all the logic given is Room 7.