Thursday, February 24, 2005

Training Schmaining (and Krispy Kreme)

For those who don't know, I have been in Solaris training this week. Solaris is a form of UNIX (kind of ruins the jokes when it is written) that we use a lot at work. Turns out that I already know 99% of what they are teaching. BLAH! I hate it when this happens. I am wasting a week of my life. I suppose it is worth it for the 1% of what I am actually learning, but in the mean time I am sitting here bored out of my mind. At least I finally got a good web browser (firefox) up and running so that I can do stuff like post on my blog and use gmail. I had fun trying to get firefox to work, so I suppose that is worth comething. Installing a program in UNIX is not like installing one in Windows. Sometimes it is complicated, sometimes it is super easy. Firefox would have been super easy, but I had to install a lot of patches to the system that firefox assumed were already installed.

I think I will always put boring technical stuff in the first paragraphs of my blogs to make sure that people really want to read the rest of the stuff I write.

Not really.

The one other ok thing that happened today is that they brought in Krispy Kreme. The box just happened to have two of the only flavor that I like, so I had two. Of course now I feel nasty. Normally I hate KK (one K short of KKK, hmmm...), but about twice a year I am OK with eating them. So where does the "krispy" part of the name come in? Usually when I've had them they have been soggy messes of sugar (hence "kreme"). The only ones that I have ever had that were "krispy" were ones that had been sitting on the shelf for weeks (no I didn't eat a couple week old KK). Anyway, here's to KK with chocolate frosting and valentine's day colored sprinkles (someone missed the boat).

In other exciting news, why is it that we have to be sinful humans? I am so tired of working hard to be good and treat others as they deserve to be treated, and yet I still always mess up. I was recently stupid enough to hurt several very dear people in my life, and now we have a fun mess with multiple devastated people; all caused by my irresponsible stupidity. Feelings can be repaired (and I am truly sorry), but our wonderful sinful nature still remains. Why couldn't all sin leave our life when we accept Christ? I know that we are forgiven (yea!), but I wish that we didn't still have to deal with sin stuff while we are down here. I want nothing more than to be able to lift up my brothers and sisters, but it is frustrating to be hampered by my own desires. I am sorry I don't try harder. I will try harder to be the man of Christ that I should be. Thank you everyone for your friendship and for being willing to stand by me through difficult times. Thank you for the chance to regain any trust that I have broken.

In other other news, I have tons of homework tonight. We are going out of town with the Winters this weekend, so everything needs to be taken care of ahead of time. It won't be bad, but I'm not really in a homework mood. Good thing I have 6 hours to change my mood. We are about to miss a major program milestone at work this Friday, so I have been pretty stressed out all week because I have not been able to devote enough time to work while I have been in training. I was asked to be the backup lead for another program at work last night, and I had to decline because of how busy I have been. That was disappointing, but I really just don't have time to take on additional work right now.

Speaking of homework; it looks like Amanda is the only one that is going to try for the free ice cream. Pity, we could have had a whole ice cream party; assuming Amanda or anyone else gets the problem right. We have not yet been graded on that particular homework, so I don't know what the right answer yet.

Next weekend will be fun because my parents are coming down (yes Mom, next weekend works). We have not seen them since Christmas, so it will be nice. The next time we will see them after this will probably be Rob's wedding in June. I hate being this busy.

Love you all.


Kiti said...

About the free ice cream--you have to pander to me with ice cream anyway, so why should I bother with working out a stupid logic problem?

Unknown said...

It isn't stupid. It is fun.

I would buy you ice cream anytime anyway, so I guess it would be for your own personal satisfaction.

Mama Mia said...

"Normally I hate KK (one K short of KKK, hmmm)"

that was rather random. I found it greatly amusing.

I hope to see you two soon!