Sunday, July 17, 2005

Does any body love me?

I don't get as many comments as I used to. I bet it is because I was going so long before posts. In order to encourage the free exchange of ideas (or just because I want attention) why doesn't every one answer this question for me...
Do you prefer rambling stories about my every day going ons, or does you prefer rambling rants about how stupid this world is?

Speaking of which... Jen, I totally forgot to buy you ice cream while I was out. Now you really do have to come visit. (I didn't forget Amanda either).


Kiti said...

I don't think MY opinion matters much... I get all kinds of rambles anyway.

Melissa P. said...

Well, since I just found your blog, you can't hold my lack of commenting against me.

However, in answer to your question, I like reading stories about your life in general. But if you'd like to complain about how stupid something is in the world, I'd love to contribute if I have something to say.

Also, I'd like to point out that I went looking through your photo gallery a bit last night when I should have been working on my paper. Are you a photographer? What do you do for a living? (I've forgotten)

Anonymous said...

Of course everyone loves you : )And anything you write is worth reading. I mean how amazing is it that you actually write!?!
As for reaasons for not leaving comments:
1) BLOGS are on their way out. Another fleeting fad.
2) Dialup connection means loading your great pics takes 30 minutes or so, multiple times since it shuts down before it is done loading.
3) Everyone else is busy reading their BLOG to see if you responded to theirs.
4) People are put off by fighting words (hate etc) Col 4:5-6
5) Everyone is sitting back wondering if they are the right person to admonish you gently for going to a porn museum. Heb 3:13 Phil 4:8
But everyone does love you and that is where it counts, right?

Jen said...

holy crap! I JUST checked your blog. I come back and there is a flurry of posts! not cool man!

Jen said...

you gotta warn us when mommy feely is in the house! I just said "crap" in front of her!

Jen said...

and I expect you to come back and buy me ice cream!

Jen said...

now I actually will read the rest of the posts :D