Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Feeling So Real

Title brought to you by the random song of the day by Moby.

First, a rant. Why isn't there any easy direct way to create a new post from your blog when you are logged in (heh heh, I think I just logged on to my internet)? The best way I have found is to click on your profile, then edit your profile, then click on dashboard, and then click on whatever you have to click on next. If you aren't logged in (why doesn't it remember me half the time?) then you have to go to the blogger home page and log in. It is actually faster to create a new post if you are not already logged in. I just thought of one other faster way to do it, but I am done ranting now, so tough.

We had a great time on our vacation. I already wrote about the stuff that happened for the first part of it, so I won't go into that again. We went out to see Jen and Todd for a couple of days to make sure that they were putting their guest room to good use. Their house is quite cute and fits them well. They are making great progress in getting it fixed up the way that they want it. All I can really say to describe it is "purple". I think we decided that the only criteria Jen uses to determine to buy something is if it is purple or not (-= only kidding of course. It all looks very nice.
We spent the majority of the time sitting around and going to scrapbooking stores. I know that you are thinking, "WHY DID JEFF GO TO SCRAPBOOKING STORES?!?". Well, I had fun, and I had a bunch of great ideas for presentations of photographic material. Deb bought a bunch of cool paper, and I think I am going to learn how to make our own patterns, and maybe consider selling them. I'm pretty good at creating graphic art in photoshop at this point, so maybe it is something worth pursuing. Should we open a scrapbooking store in Visalia? Here are some examples that I made real quick:

Hmmm... so know I know that I don't like the way that blogger uploads your pictures for you. I am going to go back to how I have done it before from now on.

Well anyway, we are back in LA now, and we are back in the normal swing of things. I am going up to Visalia tomorrow (Thursday) for our house framing inspection. They called on Monday and told me that I had to come up by the end of the week. Pretty messed up if you ask me.

That is all for now.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I know you said you were kidding but that comment about how I evaluate whether or not something would look cute in my house is actually not too far from the truth ;)

It was soooo much fun to see you guys.

And yes, open a store in Visalia :D