Thursday, October 20, 2005

I can't stand it!

Waiting, being patient, sitting quietly, and going crazy. It has been almost a week since my interview and I am starting to get worried. I was really hoping to have heard from them by now. They did say it would be a week or two, but still. I am just so anxious (so anxious in fact that I am not going to use the spell checker). I applied to 6 or 7 additional places that sounded good today, so I will have a little bit of back up in place in case they do not want me. I am so confident that i did a good job at the interview, but I am just so full of doubts as to what I could have screwed up on. I am sure that something didn't come out right, or that I said something that sounded amaturish. I am a nervious wreck right now, and am not accomplishing anything.

On a related note... why do people insist on not using real fruit for flavoring? I am drinking lemon tea right now with 0% juice. They went to the trouble of putting in citric acid and natural flavors, but they could use a couple drops of real lemon. Water and corn syrup; mmmmmmmmm.

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