Thursday, October 27, 2005

In The Mean Time...

I have not accepted my offer from Northrop yet. Technically that means that I don't have a job starting tomorrow. In actuality I am not sure what is going to happen. I am currently "negotiating" with the HR recruiter and my boss to see what is going to happen. I am mostly just trying to figure out if they are going to let me work from home. The salary isn't quite as bad if I get to work from home. If I do get laid off then Deb will be stuck at Boeing till I find another job. This will stink for her of course, but at least we will still be able to survive. It would be good if she stays there till she graduates anyway just so that we don't have to pay back Boeing for her schooling. If I get laid off (or if I stay with Northrop) then I don't have to pay back $4000 for my schooling. We have enough in savings to get by for two months, so what ever happens we should be OK. We will just trust that God will take care of us.

Forward Advantage called me Tuesday night and said that they were mailing me an application to fill out to aid them in their selection process. When I got home I found out that they had e-mailed it to me. I filled it out and e-mailed it back to them the same day, and snail mailed it the next day. A couple of people think that this means that they are going to hire me, but needed to jump through some HR hoops before they can say they hired me. I agree that is a likely scenario, but I am assuming that there are still a couple of people left, and that they needed the application to narrow down the search. The only thing is that it doesn't make sense; the application doesn't ask for anything other than my salary history that wasn't already in my resume. So we will just keeping on waiting. I hope to hear from them today or tomorrow. On a side note, I hate it when employeers ask for a salary history. I don't want my salary to be judged by previous jobs who underpaid me.

We move out of our appartment in 5 days. We have started packing, and Deb has already packed 2 more boxes than she did last year, so I think we are off to a good start. I will be spending the whole weekend and Monday packing, so I am sure we will finish easily.

More later.

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