Monday, November 07, 2005

Officially Gone Crazy

"All work and no play make homer something something"
"Go Crazy?"
"Don't mind if I do!"

Ya. Our lender screwed up AGAIN. We are not closing till Wednesday now. I should have called earlier today to make sure they were working on stuff, but no, I assumed they were competent. I just called (it is 5pm) and they are only just now going over the documentation. There are at least two more forms we have to sign THAT THEY NEVER GAVE US!


So ya. Hurray for our life.


Willow said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry. You are having an enforced vacation. Maybe you need it!
So when do you move in?

Unknown said...

I will let you know the day after we move in. It should be fairly certain by then.

Unknown said...

You know... I really was enjoying the time off actually. I was doing just fine as long as we knew when things were going to happen.

Sher said...

Sorry to hear about MORE delays. Hopefully Wednesday will be the day.